Minecraft has continually been advancing since its send off in 2011, with yearly updates bringing new crowds, blocks, things, and biomes while fixing issues and including new elements.

 These yearly updates help the game feel new by giving players spots to investigate and difficulties to confront,

 all while guaranteeing that fans are effectively a piece of the dynamic cycle for future updates. With Mojang

With Mojang reporting the three new Minecraft crowds that will be a piece of the Horde Vote during the forthcoming Minecraft Live, 

 fans are enthusiastically anticipating more data on the 1.20 update.

A couple of years prior, Minecraft allowed players an opportunity to decide on three biomes that would be refreshed in later forms

Mountains, Bogs, and Barren wasteland. Following this, players had an opportunity to encounter the new mountain age in Minecraft's Caverns and Bluffs update. 

The Wild Update, added another variation of the Bog biome, the Mangrove Bog. Thus, it makes sense that Update 1.20

will probably highlight a redesign of the Barren wilderness biome, presenting new crowds, things, and perhaps obstructs.